30 years ago, two engineers with extensive experience in the operation of electric and thermal energy generation systems and installations and with a passion and flair for entrepreneurship teamed up to start a small company. Their goal was to produce some relatively simple equipment, but essential for the proper functioning of various industrial filtration installations.
The first range of Romind products was then born: nozzles for ionic filters and drinking water. Starting from the very beginning with the desire to design and manufacture products of the highest quality, Romind nozzles encountered an immediate success and today are recognized as being by far the best product of its kind on the Romanian market.
This success allowed the two entrepreneurs to develop their company, launching in the mid 90`s two more product lines: equipment for cooling towers and safety equipment. Some additional products were developed: the first models of water spreading devices (nozzles) for counterflow cooling towers and the first ranges of equipment against electrical hazard: the fuse handles with protective sleeve and the face shields against electrical arc flash. The success of the first product range was replicated. The careful attention to details in design and execution led to a quick and successful adoption rate.
The market welcomed the second range of products!
Always attentive to customer needs and changes in legislation, the two entrepreneurs have felt that developing a wide range of safety equipment could successfully conquer a niche market where other equipment manufacturers were struggling to survive. Reinvesting most of the profits, the last few years of the last century were the years in which the company Romind actually conquered the safety equipment market by developing a wide range of short-circuiting devices, insulating sticks, voltage detectors, personal protective equipment and equipment for work at height. The number of Romind products has risen rapidly, along with their complexity and performance.
The company has always been eager to develop new ideas, and, in the first years of the new millennium, the meter seal with stainless steel wire has been launched. This seal has eliminated step by step the old market lead seals used for electric or gas meters. Simultaneously, the range of products for cooling towers has been diversified with two items of great importance in cooling systems being launched: cooling tower fillling R80 and drift eliminators. Forced by the competition, these products have evolved over time and today we pride ourselves with one of the best worldwide-patented products, hybrid filling for cooling towers.
After 2000, a second area of protective equipment has been developed: Romind product range for working at height. During 2004 - 2005 two new activities have been developed: the Early Streamer Emission Protection System against lighting and fault indicators for power lines and the company has achieved its first quality certification ISO 9001.
2006 was year for inauguration of the new headquarters of the company, a brand new 2,000 sqm manufacturing and office buildings facility.
The relocation in the new headquarters allowed the construction of a modern High Voltage testing laboratory that could perform electrical verification of Romind components and products as well as electrical testing services to third parties. The High Voltage testing laboratory operates in accordance to the SR EN ISO / IEC 17025:2005 standard. During 2007 - 2012 Romind has enlarged its product range: small and medium cooling towers, various devices for low voltage electrical installations. In parallel, particular attention was paid to improvement of the existing products and the launch of a new range of short-circuiting devices, insulating sticks and equipment for working at height.
The Complete Romanian market liberalization resulting from Romania's entry in EU (January 2007), the privatization of our big clients (electricity, natural gas and fuel companies), the Romanian industry collapse and the economic crisis that has hit Romania since 2009, has found Romind company in a strong and stable position. The measures taken promptly by the company management allowed the business to develop, obtain the certifications ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, maintain its leading market position and successfully accomplish the re-certification / homologation of its products according to the new standards and requirements of our customers.
In 2018 we celebrated 25 years of successful activity of a Romanian private company that managed to create a glowing reputation both nationally and internationally. The fact that Romind products are currently used by employees of the largest foreign owned private companies in Romania - Enel (E-Distributie), E.On (Delgaz Grid), CEZ (Distributie Energie Oltenia), OMV Petrom, Engie or Arcelor Mittal - and that our equipment is appreciated in Egypt, Moldova, Letonia, Estonia, Turcia, Australia or Bulgaria, makes us believe that we have managed to fulfill the initial vision of our founders and that through our activities we have proved that the Romanian private companies can be both competitive and deliver outstanding quality.