Transport cart for work safety means

SKU: P2284-0-00 Category:

The transport cart is optional equipment for transport of the delineators of the marking area, necessary especially in the HV/MV transforming electrical stations.

Options of use (suggestions):

Example 1:

In the compartments of the cart can be stored and transported the following:
– in the front compartment:
– the single-phased or three-phased short-circuiting devices with or without package.

– in the back compartment:
– insulating gloves and shoes;
– protective helmet and visor;
– voltage detectors;
– red tape or rope for marking the working area;
– documents, etc.

– in the lateral support with two compartments:
– insulating sticks with or without protective bags;
– supportive poles for the red tape or rope.

The cart’s lid from the back can be used for writing.

Example 2:

It is used as a transport cart for the delineators for working area (see “Delineators for working area”).

Technical characteristics




Dimensions (H x L x l) (mm)

1360 x 725 x 796

Front compartment inner dimensions (H x L x l) (mm)

520 x 660 x 300

Back compartment inner dimensions  (H x L x l) (mm)

500 x 400 x 200

Lateral support with two compartments inner dimensions (H x L x l) (mm)

830 x 200 x 125

Maximum weight of the stored equipment (kg)


Cart weight (kg)