Multipurpose telescopic insulating sticks – PTU type (lmax<3m)



Telescopic insulating sticks (PTU) are made of two tubular elements (sections) (of various diameters) which can be extended or folded in an undetachable manner.

Telescopic insulating sticks are provided, according to certification tests, with a ‘’hexagon 12‘’ coupling system, which allows the coupling of other protective devices, adaptors or accessories. Upon the customer’s demand, sticks can be provided with other coupling systems (’’RO bayonet’’, ‘’universal’’, etc.).

Sticks type PTU-20-45-110-C+P are delivered with a 0,40 m insulating extension handle.
These types of sticks can be used for works or operations both in transformers substations and on overhead lines.

The telescopic insulating sticks include insulating tubes made of Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) with diameters between 37 and 42 mm.

Insulating stick code Operating voltage Un (kV) Test voltage Uînc (kV) No. of sections Diameter of sections (mm) Total length Lt (m) Handle length Lm (m) Working length Lu (m) Transport length Ltr (m) Weight(kg)
PTU-20-45-C 20 60 2 Ø 42 / Ø 37 1,31 0,33 0,97 0,89 1,10
45 135 1,47 1,13
PTU-20-45-110-C 20 60 2 Ø 42 / Ø 37 1,79 0,83 0,97 1,43 1,60
45 135 1,95 1,13
110 190 2,57 1,75
PTU-20-45-110-C+P 20 60 2+1 Ø 42 / Ø 37 2,24 1,23 0,97 1,49 1,70+0,60
45 135 2,40 1,13
110 190 3,02 1,75